Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Feb 14th!

Here is what I'm a gonna do today the first day, from 10-2:30.

1. Call Karen Idoine, or email her.
HI Karen,

Wondering how you are processing yesterday's circle. I've been cooking in it a bit last night, this morning, feeling vitality and also trying to connect with how to use next week well.

So, I'm following up on our chat about low-debt house building/ making and would love to see if I can chat with you -either meeting for tea or talking on the phone, as your schedule permits. I've blocked out this week to learn about this topic as I think about next steps in my own home-making, and I'm also flexible other weeks. I'd love to learn more about your land trust and hear other details you think are relevant, possibly see your home if that works out easily. I'm trying to document this research as part of a broader interest in sharing creative/best practices for living balanced lives! I'm looking for guidance (starting with low debt homemaking) and I think others are, too.

Lots of love on this Valentines day, Karen

Is Karen's land part of the valley community land trust?

2. Call Yestermorrow -is that class a good fit for low debt?
(should i send in the scholarship form? i have a day to ponder i think.)

How relevant do you think this is for me -given an interest in low debt home building.
Pre fab cost factor...johns email, geo and johns office. tomorrows design: 802 496 5546

how much will this be emphasized? "it's a theme in all our courses."

Maybe I need to clarify more, what do I want from the class?

I think I'm also expressing a critique, but hold yer horses. ok? I think I really want a different course on Low Debt Home Building options! I'd love to teach that. What would my ideal course look like???? Maybe I could make that curriculum and plug this in for research. Could I deduct that?

3. Complete Idiot's Guide to Self Sufficient Living

They emphasize Rob Roy's cordwood house and workshops. See separate post.

4. Email Tina Clark, can I chat with her on phone?

Dear Tina,

We've met at least once (time bank orientation at brick house) and we know lots of people in common. I live in Montague Center, and I'm in the process of researching for myself low-debt forms of buying/building a house. I was just asking some of the people in my zendo (Montague Farm Zendo) about good people to talk to and Suzanne Weber thought of you -she said you have built houses on a creative shoestring budget? I am wondering if you would be up for a phone conversation with me, or even an email exchange, explaining how you did that, any advice you'd offer to someone like me hoping to do this. I'm also hoping to share my research process with others so that this is a community resource -how to live with minimal debt opens up our lives for the work we want to do! I feel really excited about gathering creative tips/ best practices from community members.

Hope to hear from you. Warmly, Karen 367-2858

4. Valley Comm Land Trust

Separate blog page on this. Exciting.

5. Email Court to ask Betsy.
Hi Court,

I enjoyed the vitality in our conversation last night after the official circle -land trusts, the farm, etc.

So this email is a follow up email reminder, which I think you requested, to contact Betsy Corner (spelling?) about land trust options for the Farm...I am also interested in connecting with her or somehow learning more about how this model works. (Will do some web searching now.) Karen Idione, also in Wendell, is also gonna educate me.

Keep me posted! Excited to connect over all this.

love, Karen

6. Call Seal. i did, left msg.

7. What is up with wisdom way?
(413) 863-9781 ext. 149

How many houses? What is price? I am currently unemployed.

5 homes remain, they 4 mod income, 1 for open mrkt.
mod income: 3 bed 180k, 4 210k.
in process funders, get more subsidy for houses. not done deal in process.
come look fill application. helpful if low income helpful, interested.
not supposed to discrim. sources of income...

7. Hours for Town Clerk, etc. Questions about Zoning, etc.
General office number: 413-863-3200, x203 , m, t, thu 8:30-5:30. wed too
What are my questions:

How does one read who owns what property?
What kind of permits are needed when building a house? What is the process?
Should I call Doug Donnell instead? Dennis? yes
What is process if want to subdivide land for small structures?
What is general cost of putting in plumbing, septic, electric?
This is important stuff for Montague Farm and this whole project I'm researching.
Is it in one of my books?

8. Read and take notes on Rob Roy, I guess.

9. Freewrite

10. End of Day Reflection and Thoughts for Tuesday.

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